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Sending Data via Email

You can immediately email data directly from an Explore, Look, or dashboard using the Send option. This lets you send data right away, without setting up a schedule. In the case of an Explore, you can send a query immediately, without having to save the query to a dashboard or a Look.

Get Started

After opening the dashboard, Look or Explore that shall be sent out, click on the gear in the right upper corner and go to Send... In the section Where should this data go select Email to see the email options. 

Naming Your Delivery

Give the content a unique title in the Title section. The title is used for the email's subject line, and as part of the file name if you select a format that uses an email attachment.

Sending to Email

In the Where should this data go section, choose Email. Your data or visualization will be delivered to a list of email addresses you specify.

Choosing Recipients

In the Who should it be emailed to section, enter the email addresses of the recipients. Enter a single email address, or multiple addresses separated by commas, and click Add. The domain of those emails must be allowed. If the recipient is another Analytics user, that person will have the option to link back to the Look or dashboard from the email.

Click Include a custom message to add a customized message in the body of the email.

Additionally, you have the option to enable the Run schedule as recipient feature in Analytics, you can set the schedule to run for each recipient as if they ran the query themselves. You can set this in the Advanced options section as described later on this page.

Formatting The Data

In Format data as, choose the format of the data in your delivery.

For dashboards, you can choose:

  • PDF (Tiled): Your dashboard in PDF format with all tiles arranged as in the dashboard.
  • PDF (Single Column): Your dashboard in PDF format with all tiles shown in a single vertical column.
  • Visualization (Tiled): The visualization of your dashboard in the body of the email (in a single PNG file showing tiles arranged as in the dashboard).
  • Visualization (Single Column): The visualization of your dashboard in the body of the email (in multiple PNG files showing the individual tiles in a single vertical column).
  • CSV Zip File: The unformatted data from your dashboard, delivered as a collection of comma-separated values (CSV) files in a zipped directory.

For Looks and Explores, you can choose:

  • Data Table: The data table in the body of the email in HTML.
  • Text: The data table as a tab-delimited text file attachment.
  • CSV: The data table as a comma-separated text file attachment.
  • JSON — Simple: The data table as a JSON file attachment.
  • XLSX: The data table as an Excel file attachment.
  • HTML: The data table as an HTML file attachment.
  • Visualization: The visualization of your data in the body of the email as an image.

Applying Filters

If you are sending a Look or dashboard and it has filters, you can specify the filters for the content to customize the results for each set of recipients. For example, you might send regional teams results that are filtered for their states of interest:

Click Filters to see and modify the filters associated with this Look or dashboard.

Using Advanced Options

The Advanced options section provides additional customizations for your delivery.

Limit Options

When sending Looks, you can limit the size of your email to stay within your email server's message size limitations. Select one of the following limit options for your data:

Results in Table

  • Data is sent with a 5,000 row limit. This is the only choice available for emails using the Data Table or Visualization format options.

All Results

  • If you are using the Text, CSV, JSON — Simple, XLSX, or HTML format options, you can send all of the rows of the results of a saved Look. This option ignores any limits set on a saved Look or Analytics's typical 5,000 row limit.
  • There is, however, a total data limit of 15 MB so that email applications will accept the attachment. If you exceed that limit, you get an email that your scheduled job failed. While scheduling, you can click Send Test to see if your file is under the maximum size.
  • If you specify a Data Table or Visualization format and then select All Results, Analytics automatically changes the format to use a Text attachment to support sending all results.

Format Options

When creating or editing Looks, Explores, or dashboards, you can format the data values. That formatting can be applied to your data delivery.

Apply Visualization Options

For Looks, Explores, and the CSV format of dashboards, you can configure the data delivery to use the same options as your visualization:

  • Select apply visualization options if you want to apply some of the visualization settings to your data delivery, causing your data delivery to appear similar to a table chart. Any of the following settings in the Plot and Series menus that are configured for the visualization will be applied to the data delivery:
  • Unselect apply visualization options if you do not want these visualization options applied. Analytics sends the data as it appears in the Data section of the Look, Explore, or a dashboard tile's Explore from Here window.

Formatted Data Values

For Looks, Explores, and the CSV format of dashboards, you can configure the data's formatting:

  • Select formatted data values if you want the data to appear more similar to the Explore experience in Analytics, although some features (such as linking) aren't supported by all file types.
  • Unselect formatted data values if you do not want to apply any special formatting of your query results, such as rounding long numbers or adding special characters your Analytics developers may have put in place. This is often preferred when data is being fed into another tool for processing.

Expand Tables

To display all rows of a data table — rather than just those rows that display in the dashboard tile thumbnail — in a PDF dashboard delivery or download, check the Expand tables box. The Expand tables box option can be found under Advanced options in the schedule window. 

In case you want to schedule the 'Shipment List Dashboard' in a PDF format, select Expand tables to receive all rows and not only the first 30 visible in the dashboard.

By default, email data deliveries include a link that reads "View this data in Analytics":

This link lets the email recipients further explore the data on your Analytics instance. If you want to remove this link from your data delivery emails, set Include Links to No.

Send Your Content

When you have selected all the options for your delivery, click the Send button to send your content.

Email Challenges

At times a scheduled delivery could fail to reach one or more of its recipients. This could happen if the underlying model has an error, if the recipient does not have access to the data, or if there are rendering problems or page errors.

There are a few other challenges that can arise:

  1. Depending on the Limit setting, the data delivery will either have a maximum row limit of 5,000, or a maximum file size of 15 MB. Emails with more rows or data than these limits will not send correctly.
  2. If an email does not send at the expected time — but does eventually arrive — it is likely because you're competing with other Analytics tasks. These tasks can include other scheduled emails, many people exploring data at the same time, or persistent derived tables being built. If this occurs check withing Anlaytics about competing tasks.
  3. If a specific email keeps disappearing from your distribution list, it's likely because a user is unsubscribing from that scheduled email. This can be a particular challenge if you use a group email alias to send to multiple people, because any individual recipient can unsubscribe that entire email alias.

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