Support Portal


Sending out Zenloop Surveys using Seven Senders Portal Customer Notifications

Sending zenloop NPS surveys using the Seven Senders Portal customer notifications is easy as 1-2-3. 

It enables you to get customer feedback the very moment the parcels are delivered or an order is set to completed. A common use-case is to gather feedback about the customer's perception of the carrier's performance ('Carrier NPS'). The steps for setting up the 'Carrier NPS' are provided below. 


  • Log in to your zenloop account

  • Add a new survey by selecting Email Survey > Embed in Your Emails

  • Start customizing the survey (for example adjust the survey title, change the language, visualization etc.)

  • Click on Next and copy the HTML-Code

  • Access your Seven Senders Portal account
  • Go to Touchpoints > Customer notifications > Email design templates and add a new template by clicking on the Create email template button

    • Follow the standard steps to create an Email design template

    • Paste the HTML code to the editor (see screenshot below)

  • Build the template in your corporate design around the survey. A quick tip to help speed up things: use one of your templates from the email marketing platform you’re using (for example MailChimp). This might then look like this:

  • (1) Personalize the email by using placeholders for the the customer first- and last-name ({{CustomerFirstName}} & {{CustomerLastName}})

  • (2) Add the 'typical' NPS question:  How likely are you to recommend________to a friend or colleague?

  • (3) In order to gather the 'Carrier NPS', add the placeholder {{Carrier}} to the NPS question 

  • Last but not least - set up the sending logic

    • We recommend using the events 'delivered' or 'order completed' as triggers for sending out the email notifications  

  • The result can look the following:

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