Support Portal


Create Warehouses

About Warehouses

Seven Senders Portal enables you to specify the locations of your warehouses. The provided data increases the accuracy of the Analytics metrics.

Adding a new Warehouse

In order to add a new warehouse, 

  1. click on the Account button in the bottom-left corner 
  2. then click Shop settings tab.  
  3. Here, you will find Warehouses tab under Settings. 
  4. Click on the 'ADD NEW' button in the top-right corner. Here, you'll find the list of your warehouses submitted for your shop.
  1. In order to add a new one, click at Add new button
  2. Assign a new Warehouse ID (make sure it matches your internal warehouse ID) and select a Name 
  3. Specify warehouse location details such as the Address, Postal Code, City and Country (visible on the map)
  4. In order to increase the accuracy of the Analytics, it’s advised to provide the system with the warehouse Working Hours as well as Working Days
  5. Choose to assign public or other Holidays to your warehouses (optional)
  6. To complete the process, select one of the three icons at the bottom of the page (CREATE AND ADD ANOTHER or CREATE AND RETURN TO LIST or simply CREATE).

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