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Editing User-defined Dashboards

This page describes how to edit the dashboard title, settings, or individual tiles — and how to delete a dashboard. To learn how to create dashboard filters, see this page.

Editing the Dashboard

To change the title of a dashboard, click Edit to enter edit mode, then edit the dashboard title in the top left of the screen:

Click Done Editing to save your changes.

Arranging and Resizing Dashboard Tiles

You can move and resize tiles on a dashboard by clicking and dragging. Simply click on the 3-line icon in the upper left of a tile to move it, or the bottom right corner of the tile to re-size it:

Editing Tiles

When the dashboard is in edit mode, you can make changes to a dashboard’s individual tiles. Click the Edit button at the top right of the dashboard to access the edit options for the tiles on the 

You can access the edit options for each tile by using the tile’s edit icons and the tile’s option menu. Note that for smaller tiles, the edit icons are moved to the tile menu itself:

Hiding the Title of a Tile

For tiles with visualizations (tiles other than text tiles), you can hide the title of the tile. When the dashboard is in edit mode, click the Show/Hide Title icon:

When you hide the tile’s title, Analytics enlarges the visualization to take up the free space:

You can display the title again by going into dashboard edit mode and clicking the Show/Hide Title icon:

Editing a Tile’s Query or Look

You can edit the underlying query or Look of a tile directly from a dashboard. First, make sure the dashboard is in edit mode and then click the Edit button in the tile toolbar:

Analytics then displays an Explore window for that query or Look, letting you change and save it:

Adding a Note to a Tile

To add a note to a tile, make sure the dashboard is in edit mode and then click the Add Note button in the tile toolbar:

Analytics shows the following window, letting you enter the note text and select a couple of display options:

  1. Enter the text you want to show on the tile.
  2. Select whether to have the text appear at the top of the tile, the bottom of the tile, or as hover text that appears over a question mark icon that is added to the tile.
  3. Leaving this box unchecked causes the text to be centered in the tile, and to only show the beginning portion of the note with an icon to expand the full text. Checking this box will cause the entire note to appear, justified to the left side of the tile.
  4. Save your changes.

Editing Applied Filters

To set which filters applied to a tile, make sure the dashboard is in edit mode and then click the Edit Applied Filters button in the tile toolbar:

From this interface, you can select which filters should be applied to the tile, and you can change the field that a filter is based upon for this tile:

Removing Tiles from the Dashboard

To remove a tile:

  • For Look-linked tiles — tiles that are based on a saved Look — click on the tile’s gear icon and select Remove. Because this type of tile is actually a Look that is being linked into the dashboard, the Look will still exist once it’s removed from the dashboard.
  • For query tiles and text tiles — tiles that are created directly from the dashboard and are not saved elsewhere — click on the tile’s gear icon and select Delete. Since these types of tiles aren’t based on a saved Look, you are deleting the tile completely when you delete it from the dashboard

Removing One or More Tiles from a Dashboard

To remove one or more tiles from a dashboard, hover your mouse over a tile and click on its checkmark. When you select a tile’s checkmark, Analytics displays a grey box around that tile. Select any additional tiles that you wish to delete. Once you have chosen the tiles you wish to delete, choose Delete Selected. Analytics then displays a dialog box to confirm that you want to delete the selected content.

If you remove a Look-linked tile from a dashboard, the Look will still exist in any other places to which it is saved. Removing a query tile or text tile from a dashboard, however, permanently deletes that tile.

Editing Dashboard Settings

To edit the settings for a dashboard, make sure the dashboard is in edit mode and then click Settings in the upper left:

Several settings can be adjusted from this interface:


The Title that you assign in this interface will be displayed both at the top of the dashboard, and in the Space that the dashboard is saved into.


The Description can be any text you want. The description appears below dashboards on the Spaces page.

Run On Load

If Run On Load is set to On, each element on the dashboard will automatically run when the page is first loaded. If Run On Load is set to Off, each element will show up when the page loads, but will not display any information until the Run button is pressed.

Dashboard Auto Refresh

If the dashboard will be on display, it might make sense to refresh the data regularly to ensure up-to-date statistics. To do this, toggle Dashboard Auto Refresh to On, then select how frequently you would like the entire dashboard to be reloaded.

Default Timezone

Select the time zone in which your dashboard will be run. Users will be able to change the time zone setting when viewing the dashboard.

You can choose one of the following options:

  • Each Tile’s Time Zone to have all tiles run in the time zone in which they were saved.
  • Viewer Time Zone to have all tiles run in your user’s dashboard setting.
  • Specific Time Zone: Select the specific time zone from list in the drop-down menu to have all the tiles run in that time zone.

Auto Refresh

If you only want some elements to refresh, instead of all of them, you can toggle Refresh to On next to each element and define its refresh time.

Converting Look-linked Tiles to Query Tiles

A dashboard tile can be created by linking to a saved Look (look-linked), specifying text, or by specifying a query directly. In Spaces, you can select one or more dashboards and convert all of its tiles based on saved Looks to query tiles.

If your dashboard has tiles that are based on saved Looks, you can convert them to query-based tiles. You can convert a single tile at a time, or you can convert all of a dashboard’s tiles at once.

Converting a Single Tile to a Query Tile

To convert a Look-linked tile to a query-based tile, make sure the dashboard is in edit mode. Then, from the tile’s gear menu, click the Convert Look to Tile option, and click OK in the confirmation pop-up:

The Look-linked tile is replaced by a new tile that uses the same query and visualization settings. If you change your mind, you can link the Look back in as a tile, as long as the Look is still saved in Spaces. If you don’t want the Look, you might consider deleting the Look.

Converting All Tiles to Query Tiles

You can also use the dashboard menu to convert all the dashboard’s Look-linked tiles to query tiles in a single operation.

As part of this process, you can opt for the Clean up Space during conversion operation, which means that Analytics will automatically delete the source Looks after they are converted to query tiles. This helps avoid the potential clutter of having many saved Looks that were only needed for that dashboard. This option is only shown if your dashboard includes Looks that:

You can see which Looks will be deleted before deciding, as shown in the procedure below.

To convert all of a dashboard’s Look-linked tiles to query tiles:

  1. Make sure the dashboard is in edit mode, then select Convert Looks to Tiles from the dashboard gear menu.
  2. In the Convert window, hover over the link to see the list of Looks that have been identified for deletion. The link is shown only if Analytics has found Looks that can be deleted safely, because none of the Looks in the dashboards are scheduled for data delivery or used in other dashboards. If you don’t see the link, that means that Analytics hasn’t identified any Looks that can be deleted safely.
  3. The Clean up Space during conversion option only appears if Analytics has identified Looks that can be deleted safely. If you want to prevent Analytics from deleting the Looks, uncheck the box. If the box is unchecked, Analytics will keep all of the Looks but you can later delete them manually if you want to clean up your Spaces.
  4. Click Convert to convert all the of dashboard’s Look-linked tiles to query tiles.

Analytics then replaces each of the dashboard’s Look-linked tiles with a new query tile that uses the same query and visualization settings as the original Look. If you enabled Clean up Space during conversion, the converted Looks listed in the window will no longer be seen in Spaces.

Deleting a Dashboard

You can delete a single dashboard directly from the dashboard’s gear menu at the upper right of the screen:

The confirmation window may show an option to Clean up Space during conversion:

When checked, the Clean up Space during conversion option will delete any Looks associated with the dashboard you’re deleting. However, Analytics will only do so if the Looks are not scheduled for data delivery and not used in other dashboards. You can hover over the link at the bottom of the confirmation window to see the list of Looks that have been identified for deletion.

If you don’t see the Clean up Space during conversion option it’s because Analytics hasn’t identified any Looks that can be deleted safely.

Click OK in the confirmation window to delete the dashboard.


Now that you know how to edit dashboards, go to the next tutorial to learn how to add filters to your dashboards that users can use to select the data that they are interested in.

Creating User-defined Dashboards

Adding Filters to User-defined Dashboards

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