Support Portal


Creating and editing a Return Portal


Initial Setup 

Your implementation team will configure your account to either create Return Portals or Return Portal Pros. Once they have completed this configuration, you simply need to create a return portal following the guide below. Depending on which type of return portal you decided to you use, you will either automatically create a Return Portal or Return Portal Pro.

Creating a Return Portal 

To create a return portal, go to the returns section in the vertical navigation and click on the Create return portal button in the top right of your screen.

Once you click Create a return portal, a pop up will appear asking you to select a country and a localisation (to learn how to set up a localisation check this article). The country will be used to determine from which country are the returns coming from, meaning, the sender address country in the label. The localisation will be used to determine the default language of the Return Portal.

After selecting the localisation and the country, you will be taken to the return portal editor, where you can customise the look and feel of your portal and configure certain settings

Customising Your Return Portal

Return Portal Settings


In this section you can customise the portal according to your corporate identity. You can choose the font, logo, colours and images and you can directly link back to your shop.

Return Policy

In the return policy section you can also set up the return window (or period) your customers have to submit a return. This return window will be calculated from the delivery date. If your shipment does not have a delivery date, it will be from the creation date + 7 days grace period e.g. if your return window is 30 days, the return window will end 37 days after the shipment was created. If the return window is expired and your customer tries to login in, access will be declined, which means they won't be able to create a return. Please note: labels can be created at any time from Parcel Finder. 

In this section you can also include links to your return policy and also the best way to contact you in case customers face any issues. 

Email confirmation

Once the customer has created a return, the label creation is triggered. In addition to providing the label in the confirmation screen, we also send an automatic email notification to the customer's email address with the label attached. 

You can easily customise the content of the email in the return portal editor. The look and feel will follow the same patterns as the ones chosen for the portal (font, colour, logo...)


Translations allow a return portal to support multiple languages. This means if your customer is more comfortable with a language different to the default language of the return portal, they can choose a different one. The translations can be configured using the configurable text and translation feature. For more information please visit the support article: Configurable Text and Translations

Available languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish

Publishing your return portal

Once you have customised your return portal and all the required fields are completed, you will see a green tick next to each section of the editor. If all fields are ticked and the label specifications have been approved and implemented (meaning we can create labels on your behalf for the chosen country) you will be able to publish your portal. To do so, simply click the  Publish button in the top right of your screen. You will then be provided with a live link to your return portal

URL Options

Once you have published your return portal you will be able to use the standard or deep link URL we create for you or create a customised URL instead. Please see this support article for more information on how to add a return portal to your website using a deeplink. You can access the URL options by clicking the option button (3 dots) on each return portal. 


Even you will be able to customise your portal, it won't be possible to publish it unless the label specifications have been approved in our system. Once you create a return portal, our team is notified and they will get in contact with you to clarify the label requirements. Whenever these requirements are approved by our Implementation team, labels will be validated and the return portal can go live

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