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Get information for inspected return/undeliverable customs shipments

The Seven Senders Customs solution is providing information about the inspection conducted for return and undeliverable shipments via our API. In a given endpoint, we share information whether the inspection has been carried out, the articles found in the box, and their quantity. This enables you to initiate the reimbursement process as early as possible.

Precondition: The information is available for shipments which are created in Seven Senders database (usually created by POST Shipment or POST Label of type outbound or return). We are currently working on a solution to enable processing return shipments that were not created in our system (scenarios like: return label bought by recipient). 

Before using the functionality check with your Seven Senders contact that this is enabled for your target country. 

How to work with the API endpoint

Endpoint: GET/v2/customs/shipments

Link to API swagger: here

The endpoint has different parameters that you can use to obtain data about the shipments of your interest. Using more parameters will result in a more precise response. Available filters: 

manifest_idThe manifest Id under which the inbound volume is getting cleared. 
shipment_idThe Seven Senders shipment id.
planned_pickup_dateThe planned pickup date of the shipment.
order_idThe order id of the shipment.
typesThe type of shipment can be: outbound, undeliverable or return.
The parameter types allows you to search more than one shipment type. The undeliverable shipment has the same shipment id as the outbound shipment and we have 2 records in the database for customs reason.

The parameter type allows you to search with one shipment type. The parameter is marked as depreciated and we recommend to use the types.  
return_inspectedTrue or false.
The shipment can have one of the following statuses:
received (received in Seven Senders Customs system), 
lock (the shipment was announced on a manifest) and
send (the shipment was send to the customs authorities for processing).
return_processed_date [before]
The date of processing indicates when the shipment is inspected by the return warehouse. By specifying the before and after dates, you will be able to search for a specific day or a broader range of dates. 
return_processed_date [after]
The date of processing indicates when the shipment is inspected by the return warehouse. By specifying the before and after dates, you will be able to search for a specific day or a broader range of dates.

To obtain data about the inspected return or undeliverable shipments we recommend to use the following parameters: 

  • types: return and undeliverable
  • return_inspected = true and
  • return_processed_date [before] - return_processed_date [after]: as range of a week.
  • use pagination and itemsPerPage = 100*

The response will contain one or many shipments matching the given parameters. The shipment body in the response uses the same structure (shipment and skus) as the one to create customs shipment. In addition, for each shipment we will respond 2 more fields: return_inspected (true or false) and type (the shipment type). 

If the return_inspected  = true than the shipment has been inspected and the articles present in the response are the ones that will be returned back to you. With this information, you can e.g. trigger the reimbursement process. 


We are currently testing a solution to enable processing return shipments that were not created in our system (scenarios like: return label bought by recipient). 

*the GET Shipments endpoint has default page 1 and 50 as itemsPerPage. The endpoint can support maximum of 500 itemsPerPage. If exceeded we will default to 500. 

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